Table of Contents
加能 史料 戦国Ⅲ 加能史料編纂委員会、金沢市、株式会社ショセキ 平成十五年 (今古独語) (Kano Shiryō, Kano Historical Resources Editorial Board, Kanazawa City, Shoseki Pty.Ltd, 2003, (Konko Dokugo Historical Record)
加能 史料 戦国Ⅲ 加能史料編纂委員会、金沢市、株式会社ショセキ 平成十五年 (今古独語) (Kano Shiryō, Kano Historical Resources Editorial Board, Kanazawa City, Shoseki Pty.Ltd, 2003, (Konko Dokugo Historical Record)
「今古独語」長享二年(一四八八)(Konko Dokugo, Chōkyō 2 (1488) 等、寺社本所領ヲ抑へヲキシヲ、御懇勞モタシ難キニヨリ、内々御門弟ノ衆政親二申ワケ 事ヲ左右二ヨセテ、本願寺門弟ノ國衆ヲシリゾケ、本家領ヲヲトスヘキ企アリシユへナリ、 此義自他申ムスビ事ヤブレシカバ、同名泰高ヲ大將トシテ、カノ被官人等アヒカタラヒ、 各々諸家ノ申状ヲ立侍リヌ、初ハ越前・越中諸侍モ心ヲ合セシ輩モ、常徳院殿近江ノ國ニ テ薨御アリシ後ハ、諸家憤リ猶々シカンニシテ、遂二六月ノ比高尾ノ城ニテハテ給ヒヌ、(下 略) (p.11-12) This document was reportedly written by Kensei, some time after the events that it describes. It starts by stating that around the 2nd year of Chōkyō, the year of the revolt against Masachika, and following on from the Ōnin War, the `Senpō shū` of Kaga and their Kokujin allies (the allies of the shugo) had attempted to hold on to and prevent incursions into the `temple and shrine` properties of Kaga, yet they found that their hard effort could not halt the depredations. Whilst this was continuing, members of the Monto approached Masachika, stating that they would return the territory to their owners, including those lands of the shugo, thus making things as they were before. Upon reaching consensus on this decision, a message was sent to the shugo who was currently in camp in Ōmi province (involved in the suppression of the Rokkaku family), asking for a bit of his time.